API Constructs
The constructs of the Data Exchange GraphQL API are aligned with those of the AEC Data Model API. For detailed information, please refer to the AEC Data Model API Constructs.
API Capabilities
With the Data Exchange GraphQL API, you have the capability to execute the following actions:
- Retrieve all hubs that match a specific criterion, such as the name of the hub that you want. Only exact matches are supported currently.
- Retrieve a hub using a hub ID.
- Retrieve all projects that match a specific criterion, such as the name of the project that you want. Only exact matches are supported currently.
- Retrieve a project using a project ID from a specified hub.
- Retrieve all top-level folders within a specified project.
- Retrieve all subfolders within a specified folder that meet the filter criteria.
- Retrieve a folder using the folder ID.
- Retrieve all exchanges in a folder by folder ID.
- Retrieve latest exchange using an exchange ID.
- Retrieve latest exchange using an exchange file ID.
- Retrieve all versions of an exchange.
- Retrieve a specific version of an exchange and its elements using an exchange ID and RSQL filter for version. Note: Currently only latest-1 to latest version is supported.
- Retrieve all elements with all its properties.
- Retrieve all elements with a selected list of properties.
- Retrieve filtered elements within an exchange using RSQL filters on properties and metadata.
- Retrieve all type and reference properties of an element.
- Retrieve view of an element using ExternalId corresponding to Autodesk Viewer.
For detailed information on the supported queries, objects, and inputs, refer to the Reference Guide section.